Women’s Wine and Nine Golf Lessons in Old Orchard Beach


We’re excited to get you into the great sport of golf. Dunegrass Golf Club in Old Orchard Beach, Maine proudly offers PGA Class A certified instruction and classes to get you out on the links. The purpose of these golf lessons in Maine for women is to teach the sport in a fun, judgement free setting while getting to network and un-wine-d with other women in southern Maine. Our Wine and Nine Golf Clinic is broken out into two levels, Beginner and Intermediate skill sets, and classes are available in five-week sessions from May - August.

We recommend comfortable, athletic clothing with either sneakers or golf shoes. Persons attending should plan to meet on the putting green of our Old Orchard Beach Maine facility with their golf clubs to review the curriculum of the day. If there is inclement weather, golf lessons will be held indoors with your putters. We will address rules, etiquette and host a question-and-answer session in the clubhouse of Dunegrass Golf Club or have a friendly competition.

Cost: $350 per person per session. Each session has 5 weeks total.

To register, stop by Dunegrass Golf Club in Old Orchard Beach, Maine,

call us at 207-934-4513, email us via the form/button below,

Level 1 Beginners 2025:

Level 1 Beginners – Tuesday’s 5:30-7:00 PM (16 Golfers Max)

Session 1 – 4/29, 5/6, 5/13, 5/20, (5/27 Play 5:30-8:00)

Session 2 Beginners

Session 2 – 6/10, 6/17, 6/24, 7/1, 7/8, (7/8 Play 5:30-8:00)

Session 3 Beginners

Session 3 – 7/25, 8/1, 8/8, 8/15, (8/22 Play 5:30-8:00)

Classes will be in a clinic style format with the first 4 classes of instruction being facilitated on the putting green and range and the last class being done on the golf course with play till 8:00. The beginner course will cover all areas of the game including putting, chipping, pitching, fairway shots, tee shots, rules, etiquette and golf course management. Each class will finish up with wine at Grill 65! (You may get your wine prior to the start of class if preferred.)

Beginner graduates may then participate in the level 2 Intermediate program where you get to play on the course after each session.

Level 2 Intermediates 2025:

Level II Intermediate – Thursday’s 5:30-8:00 PM (16 Golfers Max)

Session 1 Intermediate

Session 1 – 5/1, 5/8, 5/15, 5/22, 5/29

Session 2 Intermediate

Session 2 – 6/12, 6/29, 6/26, 7/6, 7/13

Session 3 Intermediate

Session 3 – 7/27, 8/3, 8/10, 8/17, 8/24

Classes will begin in a clinic style format followed by non-intimidating play on the course. Instruction will cover all areas of the game including putting, chipping, pitching, fairway shots tee shots, rules, etiquette and golf course management. Instruction will run from 5:30-6:30 at which time participants will split up into groups and all participants will have the opportunity to golf with the group of your choice until 8:00 PM, finishing up with wine at Grill 65! (You may get your wine prior to the class if you prefer.)

The Cost Is $350 Per-Session

To register stop by or call the Dunegrass Pro Shop at (207) 934-4513

For Private Lesson Opportunities At Dunegrass Golf Club

Contact Scott Mayer PGA Teaching and Coaching Specialist at 207-838-5731